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Why we love olive trees

A BEFORE and AFTER corner and some notes focusing on olive trees.⁠

In a previous post we covered some of the key points why we love Olive. The list of reasons is long, and with a focus on sustainability and the environment it is worth sharing a few more motivations why olive trees in your garden is always a good idea:⁠

Wildlife Attraction: ⁠

Olive trees can attract various forms of wildlife, including birds and insects. This can contribute to the biodiversity of your garden and create a more vibrant ecosystem.⁠

Longevity: ⁠

Olive trees are known for their longevity. Some olive trees have been reported to live for centuries, which means that planting one can leave a lasting legacy for future generations.⁠

Sustainability: ⁠

Olive trees are well-suited to sustainable gardening practices, as they require less water and maintenance compared to some other ornamental trees. This aligns with eco-friendly landscaping principles.⁠

Cultural and Historical Significance: ⁠

Olive trees have deep cultural and historical significance in many parts of the world. By planting one in your garden, you may be connecting with a rich history and heritage.

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