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Weekend Lounging

People often buy furniture based only on the way they look. Our standards are a little higher. We believe that every piece of furniture and every corner of design in your house need to not only look good, but genuinely make you happy.

This Cove Modular sofa from @puritydxb just makes us smile - it speaks true comfort and classic style.

The area flows as an extention of the house and connects the main building with the garden. It overlooks the pool as well the childrens' play area and needed a solution that will be functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. We needed to create a perfect spot for musings and serenity.

Most of the outdoor area on this property was kept in neutrals, so we introduced some colour here with scatter cushions in warm hues, inspired by desert sunsets (sometimes referred to as “desert browns and reds”).

Grab a book and breathe out! You will have to search far to beat this comfort.

Speaking of adding colour. We have a top tip: if you are scared of colour, the best and safest way is to use it in accents in decor items where you can easily change or replace it (like here, in cushions).

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