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Moving and planting trees

Whether we are moving trees to a better location on the same property, or planting new trees, we prefer to take our time and plan. And after some planning we plan some more. We often need to take the access of the cranes into consideration.

The process is well considered and we take all the care in the world that the tree is well placed and perfectly planted. Like this recent old and beautiful olive tree that found a new home and quiet literally is now the centre of attention (with some spotlights to keep it in the limelight even at night).

A new facts about these beautiful trees:

Olive trees are some of the oldest trees and can be found in the groves around the Mediterranean Sea, with some dated up to 3500 years. The olive tree of Mouriscas, Abrantes, Portugal, (Oliveira do Mouchão) is one of the oldest known olive trees still alive to this day, with an estimated age of 3,350 years, planted approximately at the beginning of the Atlantic Bronze Age.

Most Olive trees come with a certificate of origin, like a birth certificate enabling you to discover its roots.

We love adding history to gardens.

We also include a few photos of olive trees in Montenegro above.

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