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Before and after - how does your garden make you feel?

As we all know - first impressions count and last the longest. It pays to make an effort with your front garden, the main entrance to your home and the view of your home from the street.

How does your garden make you feel?

Seeing these side to side it is clear that the slightly neglected garden has now been turned into a proud work of art. Overgrown and untidy plants have been trimmed and updated, and areas that have previously been ignored now form part of a well-laid-out and styled landscape.

Browsing through these BEFORE and AFTERS both the team working on it and the owners are feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. Best of all, everyone is feeling motivated to keep it looking fresh and cared for, for days to come

The front garden of this property was given a good revamp and tidy-up. There is a lot to admire here whether you view it from the pavement as a guest or the front door as the owner.

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