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BEFORE AND AFTER - front garden

A home’s front garden and street view are the first and last things visitors see when they visit. It makes sense to make an effort and put the best foot forward. The first task was to make a good first impression.

The landscaping design focus was to create a low-maintenance and clean area while using the walls as backdrops. A combination of concrete slabs, artificial lawn and crushed stone ground cover makes it easy to access and upkeep simple. Alternating textures and colours create a contrast that pulls your eye all along the wall. Larger shrubs and trees add height and different shades of green, and the hedge, once fully grown, will finish the look. Areas around the garage and parking received some much-needed attention and the updated gates and cleaner pathways around the house and towards storage areas improve the look of forgotten corners. All and all the first impression was changed to contemporary and well-ordered.

Regardless of the style or size of your front garden, ensuring it is inviting, with easy access to the front door, good lighting and gates and locks in working condition is not too much effort for the rewards.

“Updating the entrance to your home is one of the easiest ways to improve the value of your property, and it always pays off”, says Gin. “Although an appealing and well-looked-after entrance improves the overall impression of your house and adds value to your property when you are ready to sell, the bigger payoff is that you too will enjoy coming home.“ Nothing says “welcome home” like a stylish street view.

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