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A little about our logo

“From providing sustenance to Bedouin settlers and being depicted in local literature to earning its place in the Quran – the date fruit has long been rooted in Arabic culture.”

The date palm has played an important role in the establishment and growth of civilisations in the hot and dry regions of the Arab world for centuries. It has been part of the Arab culture for hundreds of years.

While palms trees have become popular in many parts of the world, mainly for use in decorative purposes, the main thing that distinguishes the date palm is its fruit. Not only is the fruit high in nutritious value, it is an essential part of the diet of many people in countries such as the UAE.

Palm trees are though and can withstand hot, dry climates. Scientists believe that the date palm tree is one of the oldest fruit producing trees in the world and there are more than 100 different varieties of date palms that are grown for the date fruit and the trees serve many practical purposes as well. This makes dates an important part of UAE economy.

Because of the hot weather in the UAE, the date palm flourishes naturally.

We love date palms and love the meaning behind our logo, associated with the culture and region we love so much. Palms also make the most beautiful shadows and a design inspiration to us without even trying too hard.

Our new t-shirts the team proudly wears on site.

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